
The world of videography is ever-evolving, with new videography trends and technologies emerging every year. As we look ahead to 2024, it’s clear that the industry is undergoing a significant shift. Gone are the days of overly polished, high-production videos. The future is all about authenticity, storytelling, and connecting with your audience on a deeper level.


Here are the top 5 videography trends you need to know for 2024.

1. It’s All About Storytelling

In 2024, storytelling will be at the forefront of videography. Audiences are craving content that resonates with them, that tells a story rather than just selling a product or service. The focus will be on creating a narrative that viewers can relate to, which means more documentaries, behind-the-scenes looks, and real-life stories.

The key to effective storytelling is to focus on the emotional aspect. Whether it’s a story about overcoming challenges, achieving dreams, or just everyday life, the aim is to evoke emotion and create a connection with the audience. So, forget about the hard sell and focus on telling a story that your viewers will remember.

2. Simple Editing is the New Norm

With the advent of AI and other advanced editing tools, it’s easier than ever to create videos with fancy effects. However, this has led to an oversaturation of overly polished videos that lack authenticity. In 2024, the trend will shift towards simple editing. Think of it as the “Bohemian Rhapsody” of videography—a counter-trend that defies the norm.

Also, you can say Bohemian Rhapsody was a complicated song to create and required highly technical engineers but Freddie Mercury always said, he made much more complicated songs and technically challenging long after Bohemian Rhapsody but none of them were as successful.

Just as Queen broke the radio format with their six-minute masterpiece, simple editing is breaking the mould of what’s expected in video content. The focus will be on clean cuts, straightforward transitions, and letting the content speak for itself. After all, if the story is compelling enough, you won’t need flashy effects to keep your audience engaged.

3. The Rise of Raw Recordings

Another trend that’s gaining traction is the use of raw recordings to portray real-life situations. Whether it’s a live sales pitch, asking people about your product on the streets, or capturing raw emotions, this format offers a level of authenticity that polished videos just can’t match.

This trend is all about capturing the human element, the real emotions that come with everyday experiences. It’s a way to show your audience that you’re more than just a brand; you’re a part of their lives, sharing the same experiences and emotions.


In the video featured above, Grant Cardone directly confronts a reporter who published an article filled with inaccuracies that negatively impacted his business. Remarkably, the video is entirely unedited, with minimal production and no script. Despite its raw format, this video achieved 20 times the engagement time compared to Cardone’s other content and generated $500 in ad revenue within just four days.

The video’s authenticity was a key factor in its success, allowing Cardone to effectively clear his name and reinforce his brand. A polished, high-production video covering the same topic likely wouldn’t have resonated as strongly with the audience.

4. Faces Over Faceless Videos

In 2024, accounts that show the faces behind the brand will have a distinct advantage over faceless “how-to” videos. People are more likely to engage with content when they know who’s behind it. It adds a layer of trust and relatability that you just can’t get with anonymous content.

Showing your face in videos can be a game-changer when it comes to brand authenticity. It humanizes your brand, builds trust, and fosters a deeper connection with your audience. People are more likely to engage with a brand when they can associate it with a real person, rather than a faceless entity.

This is especially true in an era where consumers are increasingly sceptical of marketing tactics and crave genuine interactions. That said, there’s still a place for faceless how-to videos, particularly when the focus is strictly on the skill or task being demonstrated. However, as the digital landscape becomes more saturated, the unique personality and trust that come from showing your face could be the deciding factors that set your brand apart.

So, if you’re a brand looking to make an impact, it’s time to step in front of the camera. Show your audience who you are, what you stand for, and why they should care. It’s a simple yet effective way to build a loyal following.

If you need help getting confident in front of the camera, check out my online course How to talk to a camera like a pro.

5. The Return of Long-Form Content

While short-form content like TikToks and Reels have their place, there’s a growing demand for longer videos. It’s the only way to build a real connection with your audience, to delve into topics in-depth and provide valuable, detailed content.

This is the hard way to gain exposure, but it’s also the most rewarding. While everyone else is focused on quick, easily digestible content, there’s a gap in the market for long-form videos. If done right, this could be your ticket to standing out in an oversaturated market.

Long-form content is the key to forging meaningful relationships with your audience and potential customers. Consider this: some TikTokers with millions of followers are struggling financially, while others have comfortably retired.

The difference often lies in the depth and length of the content. A comedian posting 15-second reaction videos may rack up views but will find it challenging to monetize beyond selling inexpensive merchandise. How much connection can you really establish in just 15 seconds?

In contrast, a creator who delves into their life experiences, offering educational or motivational content in three-minute TikTok videos, is far more likely to secure high-value sales, such as one-on-one mentoring sessions.

If you want to become a much faster video editor, I have published a Premiere Pro pdf guide where I uncover hidden features of Premiere Pro, practical tips and tricks for speedy workflow.


As we move into 2024, the trends in videography are clear: authenticity and storytelling are king. Whether it’s through simple editing, raw recordings, or showing the face behind the brand, the focus is on creating a genuine connection with the audience. And with the return of long-form content, there’s more opportunity than ever to delve deep and create truly impactful videos.

So, as you plan your video strategy for the coming year, keep these trends in mind. They could be the key to taking your content to the next level.



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