How to become a professional videographer

This e-book is the ultimate guide on how to become a professional videographer, so if you love cameras and
moving pictures but you are not sure where to start or what to expect, you need to read this book. I share with you my story, best tips and secrets about video industry so you can avoid mistakes I’ve done along the way towards becoming a professional video producer.
I have been in the video industry for almost a decade professionally and I decided it’s time to share my exprience with people who want to follow the same path as me. I want to make it easier for you because I could use some advice too when I started out. [wpecpp name=”E-book: How to become a professional videographer” price=”5″]
A little teaser from the book:
You need to understand that every journey of every person is different. If you take sports, some athletes are drafted as number one and others don’t seem to catch a break. However, they are playing in the same league in the end. Some players who never even got drafted made the league and are more successful than players drafted so high. Every story of each player is different and that’s why nobody can focus on anybody else than themselves. The main thing is to train hard, believe in yourself, sacrifice, play hard, overcome problems, fight through, never give up and win. Journey towards becoming the best video producer is exactly the same as becoming the best athlete or a musician because it’s a very tough business. Your competition is fearless and huge. You need to step up your game and earn it. Some of the best videographers in the world are self taught, some of them went to film schools. Some of them were filming videos since they were 8 years old and some of them [including me] only since 19. It doesn’t matter. All that matters is that you are passionate about it and you will find a way to make it happen.

Freelancer’s Diary: Learn From My Biggest Mistakes

I have decided to write this book because I want to save you a lot of time, stress, nerves and money. I went through every possible scenario of troubles with freelancing. I have made every mistake possible when I started freelancing and I have learnt everything the hard way. freelance-book

I’m covering the topics of getting clients, building your brand, dealing with difficult clients and more!

I thought to myself that I just have to share this with the world because I do not wish the things that happened to me to anyone. I didn’t have any friends who were freelancing to give me some advice, nobody in my family was a freelancer and I felt kind of alone in this. That is why I made so many mistakes along the way. And I still make them which is a good thing because it means I still learn, but I’m much, much wiser. Let me share my wisdom with you. [wpecpp name=”E-book: Freelancer’s diary” price=”5″]

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